
Rose Apple Pie


For the dough
* 125 gr unsalted butter
* 70 gr powder sugar
* 1 egg
* 1 pack vanilla sugar
* 100 gr finely ground almonds
* 150 gr flour

For the cream* 400 ml milk
* 2 tablespoons rose water
* 3 egg yolks
* 1 pack vanilla sugar
* 6 tablespoons sugar
* 4 tablespoons flour

* 6 to 8 unpeeled apples (cored and thinly sliced)
* 2 tablespoons rose jam


* In a bowl, mix the butter with sugar, vanilla and rose water. Add the egg, finely ground
  almonds and the flour. Knead the dough till it's smooth.
* Grease a pie plate with butter and dust it with flour. Roll the dough into a circle, transfer it
   to the pie plate. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for an hour.
* For the cream, mix flour with sugar and vanilla. Mix the rose water with the milk.
   Add the egg yolks with a
bit milk. Mix until it's a smooth paste.
   Pour the rest of the milk to the paste. Cook the
cream and let it cool.
* Pour the cooled cream onto the dough.
* Core the apples and slice them thinly into half-moons. Wrap the slices to roses and
  arrange them onto the cream. Start from the outside edge.
* Preheat the oven to 180
°C and bake until it's golden brown.
* Heat the rose jam. Brush the glaze over the apples.
Let the pie cool.
Bon Appétit!

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